daniel c

Meet Daniel C...

Chef Daniel has been with Project Angel Food since 2000. He was referred by a friend for an opening as a dishwasher and he got the job. After 4 and a half years as a dishwasher he then began training as a chef. For 3 years he trained as an assistant Chef then he was promoted to a Chef position. 

What does Project Angel Food Mean To You?

Project Angel Food means a lot to me.  You put all of yourself into your work and every day in the kitchen is a new day.  When I think about it, I realize that I have spent nearly half my life here.  Most of the major events of my life, good and bad, happened during my time at Project Angel Food.

What Is Your Most Memorable Moment At Project Angel Food?

It’s hard to say because there have been so many memorable moments, both happy and sad.  I often think of the friends I have made among Project Angel Food’s volunteers and staff.  Some have passed on, including one volunteer named Jose who was like a father to me.  On a happier note, I was at work in the kitchen when I learned that my wife at the time and I were going to be parents.

What do you think Project Angel Food means to the people of Los Angeles County?

It is a good cause.  It means that many who cannot prepare food for themselves will be able to eat.  

What is your favorite recipe to prepare?

I like them all but Moroccan Chicken is a favorite to make.  It was hard to learn at first.  It contains so many ingredients – cilantro, onion, ginger, paprika, turmeric.  I got ideas from others to find the method that worked best for me while keeping the same great taste.